Generating SSL certificates v15

sslutils is a Postgres extension that provides SSL certificate generation functions to EDB Postgres Advanced Server for use by the EDB Postgres Enterprise Manager server.

Installing the extension

Install sslutils using the following command:

  sudo <package-manager> -y install edb-as15-server-sslutils


- `<package-manager>`is the package manager used with your operating system:

  | Package manager | Operating system                 |
  | --------------- | -------------------------------- |
  | dnf             | RHEL 8/9 and derivatives         |
  | zypper          | SLES                             |
  | apt-get         | Debian 10/11 and derivatives     |

For example, to install sslutils on a RHEL 9 platform:

sudo dnf -y install edb-as15-server-sslutils

Each parameter in the function’s parameter list is described by parameter n, where n refers to the nth ordinal position (for example, first, second, or third) in the function’s parameter list.


The openssl_rsa_generate_key function generates an RSA private key. The function signature is:

openssl_rsa_generate_key(<integer>) RETURNS <text>

When invoking the function, pass the number of bits as an integer value. The function returns the generated key.


The openssl_rsa_key_to_csr function generates a certificate signing request (CSR). The signature is:

openssl_rsa_key_to_csr(<text>, <text>, <text>, <text>, <text>, <text>,
<text>) RETURNS <text>

The function generates and returns the certificate signing request.


parameter 1

The name of the RSA key file.

parameter 2

The common name (e.g., agentN) of the agent to use the signing request.

parameter 3

The name of the country where the server resides.

parameter 4

The name of the state where the server resides.

parameter 5

The location (city) in the state where the server resides.

parameter 6

The name of the organization unit requesting the certificate.

parameter 7

The email address of the user requesting the certificate.


The openssl_csr_to_crt function generates a self-signed certificate or a certificate authority certificate. The signature is:

openssl_csr_to_crt(<text>, <text>, <text>) RETURNS <text>

The function returns the self-signed certificate or certificate authority certificate.


parameter 1

The name of the certificate signing the request.

parameter 2

The path to the certificate authority certificate, or NULL if generating a certificate authority certificate.

parameter 3

The path to the certificate authority’s private key or, if argument 2 is NULL, the path to a private key.


The openssl_rsa_generate_crl function generates a default certificate revocation list. The signature is:

openssl_rsa_generate_crl(<text>, <text>) RETURNS <text>

The function returns the certificate revocation list.


parameter 1

The path to the certificate authority certificate.

parameter 2

The path to the certificate authority private key.